Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Catching Up

I can't believe I've let so much time pass since I last wrote. I could berate myself, but I'm learning not to do that. Nope, not gonna do that! Just move on!

So here goes . . .

First, a tally for the year so far. Since January 1st, I've been on 12 auditions and 3 callbacks. I've been on hold once (for Virus Hunters, but didn't get it). I've shot one episode of a webseries, an episode of "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant," and two short films.

I wrote about the webseries in a previous post, but the new news on that is that they've now asked me back, so I'm RECURRING!! Yay! I'll be shooting another episode sometime in the next couple of weeks.

At the end of January, I acted in a short that was originally called "Momma's Boy," but was re-titled "Motherf*ckers." We got to shoot at the John Lovitz Comedy Club at Universal CityWalk. How cool is that? I worked with some really wonderful actors and an amazing crew. It was definitely one of the best-run sets I've ever had the privilege to work on. Our director/writer, Ben Alagna, assembled a group of people that were creative, knew their jobs, and were really nice people. The line producer kept everything on track, and the script supervisor noticed and kept track of every detail so that shots would match. And I can't say enough good about my fellow actors, Justice Leak and Joe Doyle!

The shoot for "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant" was a lot of fun. I was booked for two days. The first day we shot on location at a house in the valley and the second was on a sound stage downtown for the hospital scenes. Shooting was a mix of scripted lines and improv. Some of the shots were done with a "fake" baby. And I tell you, that was one weird looking baby! It had the weight of a real baby, but was pretty scary looking! The best part of the whole thing was that I got to hold a real live baby in a few of the shots! The episode is supposed to air this summer, and I'll post the date when I know when.

In March I was delighted to be a part of a short film, "High Card Trumps," being shot by members of Project:Involve, a program administered by Film Independent. The director (Geoff Quan) the producer, the writer, the DP, and several crew members were part of Project:Involve. What a wonderful experience! I felt like I was working with people who will be the top-rated filmmakers in a few years! And, once again, I can't say enough good about my fellow actors! You see, the other great thing about this film is that the cast consisted of four women, all well past thirty! Yay! So shout outs go to April Grace, Anoush Nevart, and Jaenedy Roman!

On April 15th, a feature I had a lead in, "Half Way," was screened at The Riverside International Film Festival. I hadn't seen the film on the "big screen" since our cast/crew screening right after it was finished in 2009! I still love that film! And I recently learned that it was also a Silver Lei Award Winner at the 2011 Honolulu Film Awards!

And one more thing to note before I close. April 16 was my one year anniversary of finishing radiation for breast cancer. Double and triple YAY!
