Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Looking Back, Moving Forward

Today marks the one-year anniversary of my final chemo infusion. I thought I might have a difficult day, remembering what my life was like a year ago. But much to my delight, I had a wonderful day! Yes, I remembered what I was going through last January 19th, but I noted it, and went on with my day. And I was -- I am -- grateful for everything in my life, past and present. And I am looking forward to my future!

I've had an amazing week. Last Tuesday I had a commercial audition. Everyone was asked to come with their hair done in a faux hawk. Imagine a room full of women my age with their hair spiked straight up in the air! It was such fun!

On Wednesday, I attended two sessions at The Actor's Network. The first was with Arvin Brown and the second was with Jonathan Prince. What amazing and talented men! I learned so much!

Thursday was my seminar on Self-Management for Actors. Again, I was blown away by this group of people, lead by Bonnie Gillespie.

On Saturday I had a call-back and then got to attend a screening of The King's Speech. The writer (David Seidler), director (Tom Hooper), and two of the actors (Guy Pearce and Claire Bloom) were there for a q and a after the screening!

Monday I had two auditions and booked one of them! It's a comedy short called "Momma's Boy." We're set to shoot later this month, so I'll write more about that soon.

Today I had another audition, my fifth audition of 2011. I'd say this month is going exceedingly well!

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Month So Far . . .

I was determined to "hit the ground running" in 2011 in terms of my acting career. So far this month I've submitted myself on a number of projects, auditioned, gotten new headshots, filmed a web series episode, begun taking a seminar, and joined The Actors' Network. Oh, and I started this blog!

I had my first audition through Actor's Access last week. I actually had another audition, but had to decline because of a conflict. Hate when that happens, but I did email the direction who'd contacted me and offered my apologies and good wishes for the project.

New headshots were a must, since my hair has grown out quite a bit since my last ones. I know I should be happy just to have hair again after chemo, but I find myself getting very impatient about having it get longer! I'm still startled sometimes when I look in the mirror. Who is that woman with the short hair???? However, I do LOVE my new headshots!

Last Saturday I filmed an episode for a new web series call "Zach Saves the World." It came from a direct booking, which I love! I was in a play with one of writers/actors on the project (Jack Fitzmorris) a few months ago, and he emailed me asking if I'd do the part. Yay!

At the end of last year, I was lucky enough to be accepted into Bonnie Gillespie's seminar, Class Rules! (and yes, the exclamation point is part of the title of the class). The class is based on her book, Self-Management for Actors. You can read more about the seminar here. There was so much incredible information and such amazing energy in the group, that I decided to take the seminar again this month. I can't believe how much I've learned!

Today I attended an orientation for The Actors' Network and joined. I'm really looking forward to all they have to offer there!

And while I was in the orientation meeting for The Actors' Network, I got an email from my commercial agent telling me I have an audition for tomorrow. Woot!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Never Too Late To Act!

I'm an actor. That's what I've always wanted to be. But for many reasons, I didn't get to begin my career until fairly recently. I used to be a college professor. I even have a Ph.D.! I spent many years teaching communication, and even though I loved my students, my heart was someplace else.

So, I quit teaching, and after a few months of "re-grouping," I officially embarked on my acting career in January 2009. I was scared. Was it too late to act? (And yes, I mean that in both senses of the word!) I wasn't twenty-something, or even thirty-something, like all the kids in my acting class. In fact, I wasn't even forty-something! I wasn't thin and gorgeous like most of the actors I encountered. But I took the plunge anyway.

I started booking indie features and student films! I was cast as the lead in a new play. I even landed a commercial agent! That's when I got a call about my latest mammogram. Then came surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. I finished all my treatment in April 2010, but didn't start feeling like myself again until many months later.

And once again, I wondered, "Was it too late to act?" And the resounding answer I got from deep inside me was, "Hell no!"

So, here I am. Ready for everything 2011 has in store for me! It's never too late to act!