Friday, January 7, 2011

Never Too Late To Act!

I'm an actor. That's what I've always wanted to be. But for many reasons, I didn't get to begin my career until fairly recently. I used to be a college professor. I even have a Ph.D.! I spent many years teaching communication, and even though I loved my students, my heart was someplace else.

So, I quit teaching, and after a few months of "re-grouping," I officially embarked on my acting career in January 2009. I was scared. Was it too late to act? (And yes, I mean that in both senses of the word!) I wasn't twenty-something, or even thirty-something, like all the kids in my acting class. In fact, I wasn't even forty-something! I wasn't thin and gorgeous like most of the actors I encountered. But I took the plunge anyway.

I started booking indie features and student films! I was cast as the lead in a new play. I even landed a commercial agent! That's when I got a call about my latest mammogram. Then came surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. I finished all my treatment in April 2010, but didn't start feeling like myself again until many months later.

And once again, I wondered, "Was it too late to act?" And the resounding answer I got from deep inside me was, "Hell no!"

So, here I am. Ready for everything 2011 has in store for me! It's never too late to act!


  1. Debra,

    I am so inspired that you are following your passion and doing what you love! I look forward to reading about this next phase of your life!



  2. Debra, you are amazing! No, it's never too late! And we're here as living proof of that! Keep rocking!

  3. Nope, never too late at all! Looking forward to reading your posts throughout the year. :-)

  4. You inspire me! So proud of you for following your bliss. It's never to late! So honored to know you Debra.

  5. You are an inspiration to me. A few months ago I gave up my career & my unfulfilled life of day dreaming to persue my childhood passion of becoming an actress. I am not 20 something either, so YES I've often found myself batteling with the idea - is it too late... But thank you for this post!! It helps us dreamers to keep on pushing :) Good Luck! & I look forward to reading more!!
